Unsplash Credit Zoltan Tasi
This year we enter the sun sign territory of Sagittarius November 21 2024 until the day of the winter solstice, December 21 when we will enter the sign of Capricorn. But what are the ancient stories behind the sign of The Archer, and what might it mean for you and me in 2024?
Traditional Associations
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Key phrase: I seek
Hebrew letter: Samech, meaning “trust,” “support” and “nearby”
Body: Hips/Thighs
Tissue cell salt: silicea/silica strengthens and cleanses connective tissues, helps to eliminate foreign material from the body. A rejuvenator, easing signs of premature ageing, important for managing stress.
Birth Stones: Topaz, Citrine, Turquoise
Colour: Light Blue
Trees: Elder, Sal/Saal, Eucalyptus (rejuvenation)
Tarot Cards: Temperance, Knight of Wands, 8, 9, 10 Wands
Astronomy of Sagittarius
The constellation of Sagittarius is near the centre of our galaxy, the spiral Milky Way, mainly visible in the southern hemisphere June-November. In the Northern hemisphere we can see it low on the horizon August- October. Sagittarius gets its nickname, 'The Teapot' on account of its vaguely teapot-shaped star pattern, or asterism. The best time to see The Teapot is in August or September but we need somewhere really dark, locating the hazy band of The Milky Way stretching right across the sky, looking up in the northern hemisphere where the Milky Way seems to bulge as it descends to the southern horizon. This ‘bulge’ is roughly the middle of the Milky Way and is contained within the boundaries of the constellation of Sagittarius.
The tip of the spout of the teapot, and the stars that make up the handle are the arrow and the bow of the Archer, pointing straight at the Heart of The Scorpion, the red star Antares in Scorpio.
Sagittarius is most famously associated with the ancient Greek story of Chiron the centaur, but the story is far more ancient and goes back to Mesopotamia and the story of Pabilsag, a deity or divine king of a city called Larak in a story that was handed down to the Greeks through the Sumerians. The Sumerian word 'Pabil' means ‘ancestor or relative.’ Combined with ‘sag’, meaning ‘chief, head, tip or foremost,’ his name can be translated as the ‘Chief Ancestor’ or ‘Forefather.’
The Archer is a hunter, just as our forefathers were hunters at the dawn of human civilization. Sagittarius is a solitary hunter just as many a hunter or trapper still hunts alone in winter, but also, like Hermes/Mercury, the messenger of the Gods of Ancient Greece, Sagittarius, aka Pabilsag, is a 'psychopomp' - the guardian and guide of the dying year itself, offering safe escort to the souls of the dying as they re-ascend to the heavens through the stars of Capricorn, called by the Neo Platonists “The Gate of The Gods.”
The Sagittarius Archetype

All the zodiac signs represent archetypes, meaning something that is considered to be a perfect or typical example of a particular kind of person or thing. Sagittarius is the Archer, a Hunter, the Voyager, the Philosopher, the Scholar, the Seer, the Prophet, an eternal student of life, exploring high and far. The month of Sagittarius was the time for hunting. The crops were long since gathered. Most foraging was also done by now, of berries, roots and fungi. Meat must now be caught and hung, cured, salted away for the hungry months ahead, when people were also more likely to get sick.
Sagittarius as The Archer, is understood as a bridge between worlds. Sagittarius as Temperance denotes the Healing Arts, moderation, patience, the art of compromise, and the art of good timing (crucial to all good decision-making and a successful hunt.)
The court card of Sagittarius is the adventurous Knight of Wands, wearing his hot yellow coat, his helmet with a plume the colour of flame, and his coat decorated with mythical salamanders or fire dragons. In terms of real events this card denotes and foreshadows sudden or surprising events, arrivals and departures. It may foreshadow a far reaching political decision, just as the U.S has now given Ukraine the go ahead to deploy long range Storm Shadow missiles into Russia. It may also in physical terms denote a heat wave or volcanic activity. Even as we enter Sagittarius, this volcano in Iceland is erupting for the seventh time in a year, and the tenth time in three years.
Sagittarius is the sign of our farthest travels. But even reading a book is a form of travel. Reading rolls up telepathy, mind reading, space travel and time travel all in one page. Each page a magic carpet. There are sad events, when we might ask ourselves, what use is philosophy? What use is poetry? But that is exactly the use of them.
Words have the power to lift us up. We conjure special words for births and weddings and funerals. Words are magical invocations. Words are comforters. They help us readjust and regain our equilibrium when everything is dark. Words contain the magical power of Wyrd. We get the word weird from Wyrd, meaning mystery and destiny. Word. Weird, Wyrd. They are all the same thing.
“I will lift mine eyes up to the hills from whence cometh my help.”-Psalm 121
The higher we go, the more bearable or at least, immediately manageable things are when the going is really tough.
In real life the Sagittarius natives are astute, capable people but they need career flexibility, and they may fail to apply themselves if bored. Like Gemini, they are prone to restlessness, and may sometimes struggle financially over the long term in consequence. Sagittarius is energetic, with an enlarged curiosity, and needs plenty of physical activity outdoors, and to be in contact with nature. They tend to have lots of friends, so much so, family and friends can feel neglected. They can do domestic. But you wouldn't say it is how they roll. Sagittarius must have inspiration, and the freedom to follow it. This rolling stone of a centaur sooner or later almost always comes trotting, or should we say, rolling home again, expecting to find loved ones exactly where they left them. And usually, they will. But others do not enjoy being taken for granted either, and this needs care. Sagittarius does best with a quietly confident, self-reliant partner. Hence their challenge, but their guiding light is Temperance, as personified in the Tarot, symbolizing patience, prudence, and the art of good timing.
Sagittarius may well be psychic; religious or spiritually inquiring, with a prophetic or visionary gift which they may express through music, writing, animal connections, or group endeavours for some common cause.
But as we are reminded every time we discuss the archetypes of the natal sun signs, there is no such thing in reality as THE Sagittarius personality. You are a unique individual. Your zodiac sign (sun sign) is a major keynote, but there are many other factors in play, your rising sign, your Moon sign, and the planets in your houses, elements, the lunar nodes, asteroids, aspects, transits, and so on. If you don’t feel like a ‘typical’ Sagittarius, perhaps you are a second or third decan Sagittarius, rather than a ‘most typical’ first decan Sagittarius.
The Decans of Sagittarius
“If you’ve ever wondered why people born in the same sign seem different, the decans can help answer this puzzle,” – astrologer Rachel Lang.
The decans or decanates, known to be in use by astrologers in Egypt at least as far back as 2100 BCE, as evidenced carved on coffin lids, may be far older in astrological usage, and have been described as ‘the thirty-six faces of astrology.’ Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac (Wheel of Life) represents 30 degrees of the 360 degree wheel of the zodiac, tracking the course of the Sun over a year. Each sign is subdivided into three parts of ten degrees each. These are the decan from the Greek word “deka” meaning ten, supplying extra clues and nuance in respect of character and potential destiny.
First Decan
Dates: 22 November-30 November
Planetary rulers: Jupiter and Jupiter
Tarot card: Eight of Wands (Smith Waite Centennial Tarot)
Card Meanings: speed, changes, news, sudden developments, arrivals, departures, or situations that may prove to be short-lived- a ‘flash in the pan.’
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, progress, ambition, and optimism is both the ruler and sub-ruler of this decan. There is idealism and a love of knowledge here. This Sagittarius decan is an enthusiast for life, upbeat, spontaneous, and fun. They are highly competitive, they really, really do not like to lose but they have keen sense of fair play and justice. There is a fascination with medicines, shamanism, and with ancient cultures and their healing traditions. Sagittarius loves wide-open spaces, fresh air, and being close to nature. This native is so outgoing, and so seemingly approachable, yet actually rather private and reserved, and not easy to get to know well. They can be the life and soul of the party, but when it comes down to the serious business, they confide in very few.
Famous first decan Sagittarius subjects:
Winston Churchill, Pablo Escobar, Tina Turner, CS Lewis, Britney Spears, Gianni Versace
Second Decan
Dates: 1 December-11 December
Planetary rulers: Mars and Moon
Tarot card: Nine of Wands from the Smith Waite Centennial Tarot
Card Meanings: battered and bruised but I am still standing. Courage, stamina, fortitude, stubbornness, a pause for recovery, a need to reflect
Mars brings to this decan even more of an adventurous spirit, energy, and ambition. This decan could be an explorer or adventurer but does well in business and commerce and generally shows marked executive abilities. These natives are natural sportsmen and women or soldiers. They are charismatic, attractive to others, and though they push people away when guarding their space, when they do fall in love, they will want to show you the world. This native may have a bit of a short fuse, and they need to spend plenty of time outdoors with lots of physical activity to be at their best. Second Decan Sagittarius is courageous, clever, good with their hands, quick with their minds, technically proficient, independent and stoical. No matter how rough a time they are having, as with the first decan, they will usually keep this to themselves, showing their best face to the world.
Famous Second Decan Sagittarius subjects:
John Kerry, Kirk Douglas, Jim Morrison, Tyra Banks, John Malkovich
Third Decan Sagittarius
Dates: 12 December-21 December
Planetary rulers: Sun and Saturn
Tarot card- Ten of Wands (Smith Waite Centennial Tarot)
Card Meanings: I am taking this to town, effort, determination, shouldering a burden, nearing the end of a process, journey or situation
Ruled by the Sun, the centre of our solar system, this person is rather like the sun in their own environment, very much at the centre of their universe but with a great love of change, and a hardwired desire for reform in whatever cause. This decan is full of enterprise and novel ideas. They are realists, even cynics, but they are in tune with their instincts, and can make great researchers, investigators, or teachers.
They can be very direct in saying what they think, and this can give them a reputation for being opinionated. They may have a dark sense of humour. But their sub-ruler, the Sun, which stands for warmth, pride, and vitality, joining up with beneficent Jupiter means they have initiative combined with magnetism, and when they feel like it, a talent for making other people laugh. (Not that there was anything funny about Stalin but every zodiac sign has its fair share of seriously nasty bad apples)
Famous Decan 3 Sagittarius:
Jane Austen, Beethoven, Nostradamus, Joseph Stalin, Steven Spielberg
The Cusps of Sagittarius
Birthday 22 November- 25 November
This is Sagittarius with Scorpio qualities, ruled by Jupiter and Mars. They are courageous with great physical endurance. They tend to take on a lot of responsibility, maybe too much, which can overload them and hold them back. They take great care over their work, but they will voice strong opinions, and though they are keenly sensitive to the things others say to them, they can be pretty direct themselves when conflicts arise.
Birthday 19 December -21 December
This is Sagittarius with Capricorn qualities, ruled by Jupiter and Saturn. They can be great company; hospitable, entertaining, and well-informed although they are forthright in disagreement and can rub others up the wrong way. On the other hand, they have a strong sense of duty, they seldom betray confidences, they’re not petty, and they don’t interfere in matters which don’t involve them directly. The world is their study.
Astrology of Sagittarius Season 2024
Mighty Temperance, the Tarot card of Sagittarius is ringing loud and clear as the timely advice card for this Sagittarius season 2024, signifying the need for strategies of proper timing, patience, moderation, objectivity, philosophy, proportionality and self-control under pressure. We are likely to need it.
November 15: Saturn went direct again in Tropical Pisces, supporting a clear focus and the re-imposition of order, discipline and boundaries on whatever has been too slippery for us to manage during the past five months or so.
November 7: Venus went into Capricorn until December 11. Areas affected, Love, health, image, parents, work and money. Themes: maturity, wising up, smartening up, long-term planning, buildings, construction, renovations and investments.
November 19: Pluto entered Aquarius until March 2043. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was during the American Revolutionary War. The signing of the Declaration of Independence happened when Pluto was in Capricorn, but most of the fighting happened while Pluto was in Aquarius. The next 20 years will see huge leaps in science and technology and may see a rebirth of the US with a greater focus on internal state affairs after a century of policing the world stage geo-politically.
November 26 until December 15: Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter and square Neptune. The energy of Mercury turns inward. A time to be risk averse in decision making, in particular in respect of elective surgeries, long distance travel, the purchase of new vehicles and other large purchases or long term commitments.
November 27: Sun trine Mars at 5° Sagittarius/Leo. Tarot cards: 8 Wands and 5 Wands, fast moving developments.
December 1: New Moon in Sagittarius 9°32’. Tarot card: 8 Wands, indicating speed, optimism, sudden events, messages, news from overseas. It is a powerful human need, our drive in the search for meaning, to have a goal, mission or philosophy that gives our life a sense of purpose. In this sense we remain hunters, like Pabilsag, and like our earliest ancestors.
December 6: Mars stations retrograde at 6° Leo until February 23, 2025. Tarot card: 5 Wands reversed. The brakes come on. Things slow down. Maybe we notice fatigue. Dearly held ideas and projects get, not shelved but delayed or postponed. There is a clear potential for quarrels close to home, though these are unlikely to be truly serious.
December 15: Full Moon in Gemini 23°52’ Tarot card: 10 Swords. Sociable, good for communications, publicity, short distance travel, interactions with neighbours or siblings, but square Neptune with Mercury and Mars both retrograde December 8-17 could prove challenging or we might be feeling too tired or lazy to sort something out that needs sorting.
December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
Happy birthday 2024, Sagittarius, soul of the shining Hunter. Pluto in Capricorn has been reshaping your life structures, values, skills and finances since 2008, and this has almost certainly been deeply uncomfortable at times. Now Pluto in Aquarius directs your far-sighted attention for the next twenty years towards your third house affairs of communications, neighbours, siblings, shorter range travel, short form publishing, commerce, trade and media. Learning for Life.
“The best thing for being sad,” replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow (on his pipe. “is to learn something. That’s the only thing that never fails.”
-T.H.White, from The Once and Future King.
Thank you for reading.
Till next time.
Thank you Katie
Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge. 🙏