Jul 24Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

Yesterday I was for two hours in a crowded city, had to, but as soon as I returned I took my shoes off and stood on my rainy cold lawn and started to recover walking around ♥️

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Jul 23Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

I adore your posts; this is my cup of tea. Excellent!

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Thank you Barry. The zeitgeist right now is politics and the hottest of hot potatoes. But it feels good just to sniff the night air now and then, and feel the grass barefoot and look up and re-ground in the seasons.

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Jul 23Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

Exactly. Reminded of the pre-internet days spent sky-watching and studying the stars. I still love to do that, but getting a willing accomplice to share the whole experience is getting decidedly tougher in these modern times. Your writing takes me back years to my astronomy halcyon days and the added mythology of those wonderful night sky experiences, such enjoyment. Can’t wait for mine. I have my natal Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre. Thank you.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Author

Oh yes, The Archer is epic, as are all the zodiac sign stories. As a girl in my teens, in the 70,s, I used to go outside to full up the coal scuttle on a winter night and look up at Orion and Sirius running along behind, and wonder where they were going, being glared at by The Bull. And the Bull is right to glare, though I didn't know they was supposedly chasing Lepus, the Hare constellation. There is always so much more to learn. My stepfather, Pa, used to go to astronomy evening classes, and he would put on slide shows. I never dreamed of Tarot, had never heard of it. But sometimes, when we get forcibly stopped in our tracks, and in my case it was an illness that literally stopped me in my tracks when I had always been a walker, then we pick up other tracks.

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Jul 23Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

Love reading your posts

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Thank you so much Tracy, for reading and so kindly commenting.

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Jul 23Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

I was so touched with your post about your baby and the evolving thread, felt honored reading the comments and was speechless, there was so much love

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That is beautiful Tracy. Thank you so much. It physically hurt for years, in my chest, and I understood it was surely physically true, about broken hearts, though I had a little daughter, and went on to have another daughter. But no-one is a replacement for another. There is a novel I once read, by Andrew Jolly, American author, a love story. The wife dies, is not accepted in the cemetery because she was an Indian. An adventure ensues, bandits and posses, and a kind of redemption for the community, and in the end the husband burns the body and says, lie down in me, my love. Lie down in me. And that is the title of the book. Lie Down In Me. It is ultimately where we lay our dead, isn't it? We make them a place in us. There was a place before, but this is their last abode in our hearts, and now there is a shrine in there, and more shall be enshrined as the years go by. The Bible contains powerful poetry. And later I discovered the Tarot and understood it as a book of the entirety of the human experience, at the same time entirely mundane and transcendent.

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Jul 24Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

It helped me with a similar experience and feels better. So true and a wonderful picture for me with the shrines, yes they are in us, but to say lie down in me, my love is wonderful and fits today for me on a personal level in another aspect as I am currently dreaming of some of my dogs who died over the years and now I can see many shrines inside with many humans, animals ♥️

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Author

In our previous home, an oldish house, 1910, I saw the ghost of a dog running down the stairs, disappearing as it rounded a turn in the stairs. A medium sized dog with a short coat and pricked ears. Maybe some kind of terrier cross. Then I saw him run into the kitchen and disappear into thin air again. We had been in that house some years by this time, with no such sightings. But I had done a pretty intense two weeks of readings, and it seemed to me later, that it had somehow stirred the soil of memories in that house. I said nothing, not wanting to alarm my younger daughter. But then she came running in one evening and said she had just seen a dog at the top of the stairs and it ran right past her then disappeared. Did the dog know s/he was there? I didn't know. But there was the print of a memory in motion, it felt happy, and that gate has never quite fully shut again.

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Jul 24Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

:-) what an experience, if I understand you correctly you then were fully aware that you saw the dog and that gate of seeing had opened?

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