Aug 20Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

Looking out from South London, the Moon was pink from the dust thrown up into the atmosphere by California wild fires. A lot of uncomfortable, violent change in the air, for sure. I can certainly live with literal weapons being locked away but do take your points about the dangers of dogma.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Author

I get that folk want the ability to defend themselves in the event of say, an attack on the streets, or a home invasion without going to jail for it. I would have to stab them with a pen or use a perfume or home cleaning spray in their face, if I got the chance. Which likely, of course, I wouldn't. But the zombie knives are summat else, agreed, while military arsenals that we see folk are keeping at home in the US go way beyond ordinary self defense, geared towards military combat. Constitutional implications are terrifying.

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Aug 19Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

Incredible, as you wrote - as above so below - In Germany a Ferris Wheel caught fire, with many injured. So many accidents also with fire or smoke at the moment. Very tense moon, hopefully a little more relaxed soon, over here people are so aggressive, had quite some moments with people, but try to duck away mostly 🙏

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Thank you Tracy. Yes, I saw that about the Ferris Wheel. Imagine being trapped up at the top of one of those things. You are right to use avoidance, and let things just glance off you as much as possible. Only up to a point, obviously, there is a time and a season for everything, including blowing our top just once in a while. But at this time, what is to be achieved by losing our self control. At this time, probably nothing worthwhile. The Star keeps its cool, stays high, stays curious but objective. Thank you for reading and commenting.

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Absolutely, I tried to calm my Mars influence building up in me but if i understand you right, this time I chose and managed not to blow my top on things not really relevant, but it was so hard the last days. On the other hand I used mars to tell a neighbor she crossed a red line. Helped a puppy being yelled at, a boy being yelled at by his father, all totally over acting. So hoping all in all is fine and praying for others affected.

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Calm, cool and clear, on point with the neighbour, Mars channelled in almost a legal manner of delivery, statements of fact, statements of this is not acceptable. And as you say, sometimes a cheerful interjection from a passing third party can deflate a rising bubble of anger when delivered without the appearance of judgment. One cannot just pass by if someone is being hurt.

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Aug 20Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

Calm, cool and clear is the difficult part

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Heheh...I hear you. And of course, nothing is guaranteed to work, and maybe it comes easier as we get older, but I have used it as a passerby to helpful effect, when someone bigger was hurting someone smaller, and I don't mean a parent dealing with a child who was misbehaving.

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Aug 20Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

But you’re so right and I tried to, because I did not want to add to a possible escalation at home for them, good to talk about it.

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We can't win 'em all. We just can't. But you were right, and so wise, Tracy, and a disruption of a human "lava flow" can be a shock or an opportunity for a re-set down the line, even if you never get to find out.

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Aug 19Liked by Katie-Ellen Hazeldine

Wow 🤩 thanks for your insight 👍🥰

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Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment, Frances. We are all watching this space and it is far from done. On the news as I write this, tragedy in Bangladesh. But we shall be watching for the comfort, healing and inspiration of the Star card at work on the ground during the next couple of weeks in the immediate aftermath of this potent lunation.

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This one just blows me away. I’ve been feeling all of it, but could never put it into words so beautifully.

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Thank you Wildflower, I just wish it was a happier story. But The Star is a beauty, and so is The Strength card. They have appeared in face to face reading a few times in combination like this previous years, and the person I have been reading for has been feeling very low, but now they feel they are coming back up to the light.

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Nice poem too Katie-Ellen, thanks!

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Thank you for reading and commenting Gioia. It is a fragment from a longer poem called Sunflowers, and I am really feeling it at the moment.

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